Male Infertility: Does your man need help to make a baby?

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As a fertility specialist, I see many women who are fertile. These women seek treatment to promote their fertility because their partner is infertile. Why isn’t male infertility being treated?

I am surprised and disappointed at the number of men who have fertility problems but won’t treat it.

There is an enormous disparity between the two sexes for infertility treatment.

Women seek unnecessary fertility treatments, while their partners ignore the real issue. Fixing their own infertility. No person can look at a man and say “His sperm is fine.” If your partner has not done a test, you can’t know.

It is a fact that modern medicine has no treatments for male factor infertility.

Doctors do not try to fix the problem in the first place by returning sperm health to normal. IVF will work and find the best sperm and hope it fertilizes the egg.

ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is the treatment of choice for sub-fertile men. This is where a single sperm is injected into the egg to create fertilization.

This from the man who invented ICSI to help sub-fertile fathers. ICSI is the technique IVF uses for overcoming poor sperm in fathers. “Before ICSI, parents are told that their sons may have impaired sperm like their fathers.”

It is a fact that sub-fertile men can breed sub-fertile boys

Professor A. Van Steirteghem.

A long term study of 54 ICSI boys from sub-fertile fathers shows 62% less sperm and 66% less motility than the norm. What can be an environmental problem in a fathers fertility can become a genetic fertility problem in their sons.

Male Infertility

Fixing men’s sperm is straightforward.

If you don’t know that, you are talking to the wrong people.

Solving your partner’s sperm issues with ICSI is attractive; it can help you fall pregnant. Your sons inheriting your partner’s problems is probably not part of your plan.

One of the challenges is that women are more open to ‘alternative’ medicine than men. “If my doctor doesn’t believe in it, why should I?” is a common retort from men challenged to solve their problem.

Some men don’t like the idea that there is something wrong with them. They, like the medical industry, prefer to ignore the problem.

The challenge is that your doctor or ObGyn can only recommend prescription medication. Non-pharmaceutical products may be suggested as “It couldn’t hurt,” but there is no real belief in their capabilities.

A low sperm count fixed.

As long as your partner has some sperm available, it can improve. Spermatogenesis (growing sperm) takes 78 days from the start to ejaculation. 78 days after treatment begins sperm will be influenced. The lower the sperm count, the longer it takes to fix. 3 – 6 months is all most men need to solve a low sperm count.

Low sperm motility is easily solved and can be done within a month or two, depending on the levels of immotility. Poor sperm morphology takes 3 months or more to fix. DNA fragmentation takes a similar time. Sperm DNA Decongestion (SDD) the same.

If your partner has a genetic problem with sperm, it is unlikely treatment will help. Chromosomal abnormalities like an extra X or a missing Y cannot be supported.

Surgery helps varicocele and viagra for erectile problems. But what about the sperm that is the real issue?

We gather our data from before and after sperm tests from our clients. This way you know that the products work as they should, not just on mice in the lab.

You and your partner can solve low sperm count, motility, morphology, and DNA fragmentation within 3 months. Use the MenOvance range according to your needs. See how you can do it here.

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which plan is for men with dead sperm

Our formulas assist men with sperm count, sperm motility, sperm morphology and, DNA fragmentation. Provided the man has some sperm the formulas can be effective. If the man has no sperm at all then the formulas will not work. You can learn more here

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