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Marguax and Amber

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I had complete confidence in Dr. Martin’s formulas as I had successfully conceived my first child using them 2 years before. I had complete peace of mind that I was nourishing my body with Chinese herbs to assist with optimal egg quality and vitality. It’s really a small investment to achieve natural conception when you have been told you won’t conceive without medical fertility treatments or that you have no time to spare.

Emma and Ellie

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We could not have done it without you! Thank you so much for helping us get pregnant. I didn’t know if it would work, but I’m so glad it did. The doctors told me it couldn’t be done. We are glad we listened to you. We have been telling everybody about Ovance. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Tash and Jade

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Well after years of trying to get pregnant naturally and a couple of unsuccessful IVF cycles, I thought it was time for a different approach. I contacted Scott about two and a half years ago now and we haven’t looked back! Using a combination of his fertility herbs and some acupuncture we were pregnant within three months and now have a beautiful baby boy that is almost 18 months old. We are forever grateful Scott for what you have done for us, our dream of becoming parents has come true thanks to you!

Alyssa Wampole
Las Vegas Oriental Medical

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Today a patient of mine brought in her AMH test results…her results were tested again after just three months of taking the Ultimate Fertility Combination formulas. I put her on the formulas at the end of May after a failed IVF cycle. AMH levels went from 0.96 (the previous test was in 2017) to 2.65 after just three months of taking the herbs. She is 38 years old, last year her levels dropped from 2.4 down to 0.96 in about seven months, and now she is back up and past where she was before. Thanks again for the great products.

Kate, Wes and Cody

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We spent two years trying to fall pregnant! I tried supplements and vitamins but that didn’t help. I was diagnosed with low AMH levels and felt lost. My doctor told me IVF was the only option. A friend referred me to Advanced Fertility Solution and finally we found someone who spoke our language. Dr. Martin said it would take 6 months to fall pregnant and within 4 months we were, we could not have been happier.

Molly and Jeb

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Thank you for our miracle! I was told that I would never fall pregnant on my own and that IVF was the only way to go. My AMH levels we so low that I didn’t have much hope until we found you. Ovance and RPM did exactly what it said it would do. Our baby Jeb is bringing so much joy into our lives we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Jocelyn and Josephine

This post is also available in: English العربية

Ovance really does work! We were told we would not have our own children, and that we have to use a donor egg if we wanted a baby. We found you online and after a consultation decided to follow your advice. You said that Ovance and RPM would solve the problem and it did. I never thought we would fall pregnant naturally. Here’s the proof, thank you so much.

Brooke and Paige

This post is also available in: English العربية

Taking something complicated and making it easy to understand. That is what Dr. martin does. I learned more in 5 minutes reading ‘Solving the Low AMH Mystery’ than I did in month of searching the internet. As someone who has Low AMH and told I could never have my own children, I am glad I took the time to read this. It changed my whole perspective and now I have my own baby to thank for it!

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